
Consumers want information. SmartLabel delivers.


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SmartLabel is the leading platform for savvy shoppers to find more information than can fit on a package about thousands of food and beverage, personal care, household, pet care, dietary supplements, and OTC products.

Also a tool for state and federal digital disclosure and labeling requirements, SmartLabel is a trusted source for product and ingredient information, enabling brands to digitally share more information than could ever fit on a label — from allergens and sourcing to how to recycle packaging. 


SmartLabel by the Numbers



SmartLabel digitally shares more information than could ever fit on the labels of tens of thousands of products that Americans use every day.



Hundreds of America’s most iconic brands employ SmartLabel to share the information consumers want in one, convenient location.



CPG companies embrace SmartLabel technology to provide transparent, accessible information to the consumers they serve.

Why SmartLabel is a Smart Investment

SmartLabel is a trusted source for brands to share the information consumers want in one convenient location. SmartLabel is a smart investment for your brand because:

Consumers value the detailed ingredients, nutrition and health information and appreciate the consistency of the SmartLabel design, its organized layout and the ease of access.


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