FDA Legal Requirements for Recycled Plastics in Food Packaging
Wednesday, December 9 | 2:00 p.m. ET
The past year has seen a significant push to use more recycled content in packaging, both from industry and regulators. Many of the largest CPG companies have made public commitments to dramatically increase recycled content in their packaging. This fall, California lawmakers passed a momentous law requiring the use of 50% post-consumer resin (PCR) in plastic bottles by 2030. Other states, such as New Jersey, are proposing recycled-content laws as a means to develop end markets for their state’s recycling programs.

But what do these state mandates mean for the future of PCR in food contact-packaging given the Food and Drug Administration’s regulatory oversight? How does FDA regulate recycled plastic used in food-contact applications? How can CPG companies comply with applicable FDA legal requirements and voluntary commitments? What questions or certifications should CPG companies be seeking from packaging suppliers or the recycling industry to ensure FDA compliance?
Understanding the role of FDA and recycled-content packaging is critical to meeting all of these objectives.
Join the Consumer Brands team and Joan Baughan, partner with Steptoe & Johnson LLP, a leading expert in recycled content and food packaging, to discuss the regulatory landscape and what this could mean for the CPG industry.
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