Consumer Packaging Summit
An open, honest dialogue on creating a circular economy for packaging in America.
March 4 | 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Citizen Hotel 926 J St., Sacramento, California 95814
Welcome, Introductions and Goals Review
Part I: Packaging Design: Technological Feasibility, Barriers and Opportunities (source reduction, recycled content, design for recycled content)
Packaging Design, Materials and Trends
Trends in packaging development, new designs and package forms, changing functionality, future innovations and consumer preferences.
PCR Use and Limitations (Plastics)
Current use, opportunities and limitations of using recycled plastic; technical innovations that can drive increased PCR in packaging applications.
Circularity Principles for Packaging
Key principles to a circular economy for packaging that generate business and environmental opportunities while providing necessary environmental and societal benefits; role of all stakeholders in the value chain including waste management companies, resin producers, manufacturers, packaging companies, retailers, and government.
Part II: Local Government Needs and Landscape
Meeting Legislative Goals
How to achieve varying organics, recycling, waste-to-landfill and GHG targets in California.
Financing and Resources
Funding sources and best practices.
Part III: Infrastructure, Packaging and Waste Management: What Can Be Done with Existing Infrastructure, What is Needed in California to Meet Legislated Targets
Recycling Infrastructure
Capability of current infrastructure to collect and process recyclables.
Recycling Markets
Review of end markets for recycled commodities (plastics focus) and future projections; impact of China’s National Sword and Green Fence policies on markets; pricing differentials between recycled and virgin materials
Chemical Recycling (Plastics)
Status of emerging chemical recycling technologies and their potential for transformational change; review of performance, costs, scale potential and timing.
Status of municipal composting today, including fraction of organic waste stream that can be managed through current technologies; emerging trends.
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