Advocating for a Better Future
The Consumer Brands Association is leading the way in Washington, pushing for consistent, smart solutions that protect workers, strengthen supply chains and ensure consumers have access to the goods they rely on to fight COVID-19.
Keeping the Industry Up and Running

• Secured Department of Homeland Security language identifying all aspects of industry as essential and drove state and local uniformity.
• Earned additional hours-of-service flexibility for truck drivers transporting essential CPG products to retailers and consumers.
• Empowered states to lift truck weight requirements to increase the flow of essential goods.

• Launched the bipartisan Congressional Supply Chain Caucus to engage lawmakers on ways to achieve the world’s most innovative and efficient supply chains and to focus on key challenges during the pandemic.
• Garnered funding for the Environmental Protection Agency to expedite scientific reviews for COVID-19 response.
• Initiated the State Department’s development of a private sector portal for industry to report and receive assistance with international supply chain disruptions in real time.

• Launched the Critical Infrastructure Supply Chain Council, a coordinated effort of more than 35 associations committed to addressing supply chain challenges and weaknesses.
• Developed alternative supplier verification best practices to meet existing regulatory requirements, which led to the creation of FDA’s temporary COVID-19 policy.
• Adapted labeling requirements allowing flexible sale and distribution of commercial products in retail.

• Pushed the Federal Maritime Commission to formally adopt its proposed rule on limiting detention and demurrage fees.
• Advocated for clear, coordinated federal guidance.
• Aggregated government guidelines from various agencies and distributed insights to thousands of industry leaders multiple times per week.

• Routinely connected with dozens of leading industry CEOs to hear their perspective and aggregate challenges and concerns, driving organization’s strategy and response.
• Brought together CPG and retailers to collaborate on supply chain and worker safety.
• Provided weekly opportunities for CPG leaders to connect and share regulatory, legal, workforce and supply chain challenges and solutions.
Protecting CPG Workers

• Provided industry, in absence of federal guidance, with clear recommendations for usage of face masks, screening of employees for exposure, achieving physical distancing in facilities and protocols for when employees test positive, among others.
• Advocated for priority testing of essential workers to federal and state public health officers and to protect the CPG essential workforce by including them appropriately in vaccine prioritization.

• Led the call for personal protective equipment for the essential CPG workforce.
• Convened privacy, workforce and technology experts to identify tools to help maintain employee health and wellness.
Helping Consumers

• Drove public Department of Justice opposition to COVID-19 price gouging.
• Partnered with EPA to streamline the supply chain and ensure consumers have the most accurate information about COVID-19-killing disinfectants.

• Amplified the urgent need for alcohol-based hand sanitizers and wipes resulting in changes to FDA’s guidance and the easing of state registration requirements.
• Brought together government agencies, trade associations, nonprofits and CPG companies to identify opportunities to reduce food waste and increase donations of food to Americans in need.
Coronavirus Information Center
From providing original research, industry guidance and cutting-edge insights, we’re committed to giving our industry what it needs so it can focus on what matters most — providing essential goods for consumers in crisis.
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