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Found 10 results for "steel", including:

News & Blog

New studies find tinplate steel tariffs will harm American consumers and manufacturing jobs

Press Release

New studies find tinplate steel tariffs will harm American consumers and manufacturing jobs

Consumer Brands Statement on Department of Commerce’s Preliminary Decision on Tin Mill Steel Tariffs

Press Release

Consumer Brands Statement on Department of Commerce’s Preliminary Decision on Tin Mill Steel Tariffs

In the News: Consumer Brands CEO Pens Op-Ed in Fortune on Tinplate Steel Tariffs

In the News: Consumer Brands CEO Pens Op-Ed in Fortune on Tinplate Steel Tariffs

Consumer Brands Statement on the Final Ruling in the Tin Mill Steel Duties Case

Press Release

Consumer Brands Statement on the Final Ruling in the Tin Mill Steel Duties Case

ICYMI: Op-eds Call for Rejection of New Tariffs on Tin Mill Steel

From the News

ICYMI: Op-eds Call for Rejection of New Tariffs on Tin Mill Steel

ICYMI: Consumer Brands CEO Pens Op-Ed in Fortune Warning that Proposed “Can Tax” Will Burden Consumers

Press Release

ICYMI: Consumer Brands CEO Pens Op-Ed in Fortune Warning that Proposed “Can Tax” Will Burden Consumers

Coalition Sounds Alarm on Harmful Tariff Proposal That Will Hurt U.S. Manufacturers and Consumers

Press Release

Coalition Sounds Alarm on Harmful Tariff Proposal That Will Hurt U.S. Manufacturers and Consumers

Coalition warns against proposed tariffs that would kill jobs and raise consumer prices

Press Release

Coalition warns against proposed tariffs that would kill jobs and raise consumer prices

Why 28 Industry-Leading Organizations Are Aligning Against the Proposed ‘Can Tax’


Why 28 Industry-Leading Organizations Are Aligning Against the Proposed ‘Can Tax’


Antidumping Duties on Tin Mill Steel Will Cost U.S. Food Consumers


Antidumping Duties on Tin Mill Steel Will Cost U.S. Food Consumers