CPG and the COVID-19 Vaccine
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Protecting the Workforce
As manufacturers of products critical to Americans’ ability to stay home, the CPG industry has contended with incredible demand for more than 18 months.
It has met that demand with a dedicated workforce, made up of millions of employees who have taken on extra hours and shifts to ensure consumers have what they need.
CPG companies have invested heavily in measures to ensure the safety of its employees, from installing new air filtration and physical barriers to reconfiguring facilities to allow for social distancing. They’ve also heavily promoted vaccine access for their workforce and are partnering with the federal government to comply with the vaccine mandate.
Consumer Brands is committed to keeping the industry informed on the latest guidance, engagement opportunities and thought leadership as the vaccine rollout continues.
Vaccine Mandate Clarity
Consumer Brands has urged the Biden administration to accelerate federal guidelines and clarify how businesses are expected to implement the COVID-19 Action Plan. In a letter to the White House Consumer Brands outlined some of the most critical questions that need answers immediately — not in the weeks federal agencies have signaled it may take or in the months industry has experienced throughout the pandemic.

The flood of feedback received from CPG companies — including over 50 unique questions needing clarification — confirms the pressing need for guidance from federal agencies on how the mandate will affect business operations and employees.
Take Action
Here’s what CPG leaders can do help protect their workforce, better coordinate with state and local partners and promote access to the vaccine.
Join Our Peer Exchange
Consumer Brands has launched a Return-to-Work Exchange, a peer-to-peer forum that provides need-to-know updates and facilitates sharing of unique insights from industry participants.
Contact Officials
Your company’s information is critical to state program success. Contact state immunization program managers and local health departments to share important details.
Speak Up
Your experiences matter.
Help us amplify your concerns, comments and on-the-ground observations to lawmakers, the media and other major stakeholders.
Get Resources
It’s never been more important to have the most up-to-date information at your fingertips.
We’ve curated lists of the essential contacts, collateral and guidance you need to stay current on what’s relevant to your company and community.
The Latest
For Employers
For Employees
Vaccine Providers

The Latest
What’s new from the administration.
Who Is Eligible for a COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Shot?
OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard
CDC: Post-Vaccine Considerations for Health Care Personnel*
CDC: COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Toolkit for Essential Workers and Community-Based Organizations
*This resource is designed for health care workers but is likely applicable to the CPG industry.

In the News
Read the latest on our efforts to ensure the consumer packaged goods workforce remains top of mind.

Press Release
President Biden’s COVID-19 Action Plan Requires Clarity for Businesses in ‘Hours, Not Weeks’

Press Release
Consumer Packaged Goods Industry Urges White House Clarity, Partnership on Vaccine Requirements

Press Release
Consumer Brands Offers Five Solutions to Biden Administration for Effective National Vaccine Strategy
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